AREA15 Radiance Program

Immersive Wellness Experiences

Rhythm Ritual

Rhythms carry ancient codes of creation, healing, transmutation and celebration. Our bodies hold these codes, and when we activate them, we are entering into a dance with the forces of life itself. Come dance your prayers and activate your internal rhythms through an embodied ritual of yoga, primal movement, sound healing, music, and ecstatic dance.

Ecstatic Dance Las Vegas

Ecstatic Dance is a movement experience and global sub-culture from Thailand to Los Angeles. Now, there is an Ecstatic Dance Las Vegas (EDLV) facilitated and created by Marissa Romero. EDLV is an environment for all ages, genders, and sizes to come together and DANCE IT OUT.

ascendant BREATHWORK

Ascendant Breathwork is a a time-tested method spanning thousands of years, serves as a gateway to greater enlightenment. The experiences during Ascendant Breathwork sessions can vary widely and may include intense emotions, vivid imagery, and a sense of connection to the broader aspects of one’s consciousness. It proves indispensable for promoting peak physical health, heightened concentration, increased awareness, and the profound experience of love and fulfillment from within.

the sacred lounge

Experience an immersive journey of guided meditation, yoga (asana), dance-infused movement (soul-asana), and the power of sound healing for a full-body cleanse that you can feel.

Connect deeply to your soul, your body, your community and your purpose.

Be inspired. Be Radiant. Be free.


Entheo Psychedelic Soul Journeys combines the ancient wisdom of ritual and ceremony with modern technologies and tools to harness the full psychedelic power of the human experience.